When Dreams Are Delayed: Navigating the Waiting Game

When Dreams Are Delayed: Navigating the Waiting Game

“Patience is a virtue” might sound like a comforting platitude, but when you’re eagerly awaiting your next big break, it can feel like a cruel joke. Whether it’s a career opportunity, a business milestone, or a personal goal, waiting for things to happen can be excruciating. So, what do you do when the things you want are taking longer than expected?

Inside: Personal Experience / Story

When I was in my 20’s I used to say and tell everyone that I was going to retire by the time I was 30. I am almost 40 years old and I currently have a negative net worth. So 10 years later when I was supposed to retire I am further away from that goal than when I was in my 20s. It looks like I am pulling away from that goal and my decisions are taking me further every day to be able to retire and not have to depend on a job to provide for me and my family.

Do you know where I was and how I celebrated my 30th birthday? At the time I was driving an 18-wheeler. So I was a truck driver. I was stuck in a warehouse trying to deliver a load of Coca-Cola products that got pushed for the next day. Meaning that I had to spend my birthday on the back of the truck, while on the side of the road waiting for the next day that I could deliver that load. I was depressed, broke, frustrated, alone, and not even close to being where I wanted to be when I turned 30.

Despite all these negative things, I am glad that it happened. Because it created an opportunity to experience one of the most remarkable and memorable times of my life. This warehouse was about 2 hours away from my home which was even more painful because I was so close to home but I couldn’t be there with my family. But my incredible and superwoman wife decided to surprise me. She drove almost 2 hours with our son who at the time was not even a 1 year old so she could sing to me happy birthday.

She brought a cupcake with a little candle that meant the world to me. I couldn’t do anything but fall into her arms and cry. I felt loved like never before and I recognized that despite that I was not where I wanted to be financially, I was being taken care of by God, and by my Wife and Family which is what matters. My wife and my son spent the night with me in the little and very uncomfortable bed that was in the back of the truck. And that was one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received from God and my Wife and it didn’t cost any money. Or just a few bucks for the gas and the cupcake. You see, I needed to be in that difficult situation far away from my financial goals, away from my family, stock in a warehouse so I could experience something greater than money which is real love.

I know that is not fun to wait. Especially for the things that we want. But we have to trust that God has a bigger and better plan for all of us. There is something more precious than money that He is trying to give us. If we stay still and trust God, His process, and His purpose, we will come up to the other side with much more than what we thought. Maybe not with what we wanted, but for sure with what we needed.

Whether you are waiting for something to happen in your finances, maybe is with your health, personal, or business, don’t give up. Keep believing and keep walking in Faith. But be patient. Know that God has everything under control. And for those who Love Him, everything will always work out for good and in your favor. Even God took 6 days to create the world when we could have done it in the blink of an eye. Things take time. But while we are waiting, we can say and ask ourselves, God, if I don’t have what I want is for one of 2 things; one, is not for me, or two, I am not ready for it. Please show me which one is it and if is neither, please show me what it is.

Being honest with ourselves and with God will allow us to grow and perhaps deal with some issues that we haven’t dealt with yet. Waiting doesn’t mean not doing anything. Waiting means taking slow, steady, and careful steps toward your goal with an open mind and heart. Giving God permission for His desire for your life to become your desire and for Him to guide your steps so you can reach your full potential and do His perfect will for your life.


The experience of waiting is more common than you might think. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), uncertainty and waiting for results are among the leading causes of stress and anxiety in modern society. In business, the Harvard Business Review reports that 70% of startups experience significant delays in reaching their milestones. This data underscores a simple truth: waiting is part of the journey, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock.

The Problem and The Solution:

The problem is that delays often lead to discouragement and loss of momentum. When things don’t happen as quickly as we want, it’s easy to feel like we’re failing. The solution is to reframe delays as part of the process, not a setback. Here are some practical steps you can take:

  • Reassess and Adapt: Use the waiting time to reevaluate your plans. Is there a different approach you can take? Can you develop a new skill or network with new people during this time?
  • Stay Active: While you’re waiting, keep moving forward with other tasks. This keeps your momentum going and prevents you from feeling stagnant.
  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with a strong support system. Whether it’s friends, family, or mentors, having people to talk to can make the waiting game more bearable.


In conclusion, waiting can be agonizing, but it’s also a chance for growth and innovation. By reframing your perspective, finding ways to stay active, and seeking support, you can turn delays into stepping stones toward your goals. This blog isn’t just about surviving the wait; it’s about thriving through it and coming out stronger on the other side. Remember, when the things you want are taking longer than expected, it’s not a sign to give up—it’s an opportunity to build something even better.

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