Success: When Purpose Meets Achievement
“True success isn’t just about wealth or power; it’s about achieving what we are truly meant to do—fulfilling our purpose.” This bold assertion challenges the conventional markers of success, urging us to delve deeper into the essence of what it really means to be successful.
Personal Experience: A Journey to Purposeful Success
How much money do you need to make or have in order to be considered or feel like you are successful? Do you know the biggest problem that we face when we measure our success only by the money and wealth that we possess? That money is infinite. Therefore, you can always have more. And if you only measure your success based on your possessions you will never be satisfied or fulfilled because you can always have more. Therefore you will never feel like you are successful.
That is why many of us get into this endless journey and make the mistake of thinking that money will solve everything. How many of us have said, when I make this much money in a year I will be happy. Or how about this one? When I get that promotion I will be satisfied. Here is another popular one; When my business gets to this level I will slow down and spend more time with my family. All of these statements are just lies that we tell ourselves. And in many cases, we do this just to feed our egos.
It is so sad that after we achieve those things and get to the status or levels that we want to get and make the money that we want to make, the things that we said we would do, in many cases, we don’t do them. Why is that? Well, because it was an illusion. Either we still feel incomplete and or unhappy, or we just get used to the validation that our careers give us and we get addicted to feeling that we are winning. Or worst-case scenario, you never achieve the financial, business, and career goals that you set for yourself, therefore you never stop pursuing them.
How many of you have heard the statement that money doesn’t buy happiness? I disagree; money can buy you a lot of happiness. I and my family like to travel and we have been to a lot of places and have created everlasting memories that without money we wouldn’t have been able to create. That being said, success cannot be achieved only with the money and possessions that you have. If I were to finish my story here and only talk about the places that I have taken my family on vacation I would give you the wrong impression.
For the last several years, I would say almost 15 years or so; I have taken my family every year on 3 to 4 vacations a year. And we have been everywhere. If you read and hear this statement, probably you will think that I am very successful. You may even think that I am a great father and an awesome husband. The truth is that I am not. You see, for many years I have focused and concentrated only on making money. Don’t care who I need to manipulate, what lies I need to say, what corners I need to cut, or how many hours I need to work. All I wanted was to make money. Therefore, I have neglected my wife and my children a lot.
All these vacations that I have gone with my family are a form of compensation to them because I feel super guilty for the absentee moments that I have with them. And during those vacations, I am not really present. I am always on my phone texting, checking and sending emails, or on my laptop checking things online. Not to mention, my attitude and my temper. You see another problem is my behavior. Being in money-making mode at all times robs you and prohibits you from really enjoying that time off with your family. We could have been on a beautiful beach and I could not enjoy it because I felt that I was wasting my time there when I could have been making money. What is the point of making money if you can’t spend it and enjoy it with your loved one?
This made me realize that I was doing several things wrong. One of those things was; how I was making my money and what I was doing to pursue my financial goals. You see, money was the number one priority for me. And a piece of paper or a number on a screen should not and cannot have that level of importance in any of our lives. I am not saying that money is not important because it is. What I am saying is that it cannot be our number one priority.
Here is how I am trying to prioritize things in my life now. God of course is number one. But it has not always been that way but I am trying to put God first every day in everything that I do. Me second. And this one perhaps is one of the most difficult for me. Putting me second means taking care of me. Especially taking care of my body. I am obese and I need to do something in that regard but I am dropping the ball constantly. But I am taking baby steps and hopefully soon I will be in better shape and healthier. Third is my wife. The love of my life who has been through hell with me. I need to be a better husband and a better partner for her. I have a long way to go here too but I am a work in progress.
Next in line are my children. I need to be a better example for them. I have 6 kids, 1 girl, and 5 boys. And I know that I have shown my daughter the wrong image of what she needs to look for in her future husband. And to my sons, I have not modeled them how a godly man should lead their homes and their families. So I have a lot of fixing and re-doing to do. Hoping that I am not too late. And then fulfilling my purpose in this life. And lastly making money. A completely different order on how I was doing things before. And my first step and perhaps the most important that I am doing right now is trying to seek God every day so He can give me the desires of my heart so I can do His will and seek His kingdom first instead of just money.
And trust me when I tell you, it is not easy. I quit my job/business that I had. Taking a massing pay cut so I can spend more time with my family. I went to work as an employee for someone after many many years of being my own boss. I am working 6 days a week roughly 14 hours a day to make about 33% of what I was making before. But I get to see, kiss, and hug my wife and kids every day and that is more than worth it. Now I have to depend more on God for the provision for me and my family and that has been a major adjustment too. Now I have to wait for the things that I want to do in business and in my life because I don’t have neither the time nor the resources to do them.
Forcing me to slow down and talk to God more about these things and seek His wisdom and guidance so I can take more firm and secure steps. He revealed to me a while back what He created me for. So now I have the time to work on that. And while I am fulfilling my purpose, He is taking care of all my needs and wants too. Something that I never thought was going to be possible. I thought that I needed to make as much money as possible so I could have the time to do what God really created me to do. But instead, what He is showing me is that if I do His will, He will take care of all my wants and needs. I don’t have to worry about those things anymore. He got me!
Of course, as I mentioned before; it doesn’t mean that I am sitting doing anything. But what it means is that I am doing my part and moving forward while trying not to worry as much about the things that I need and want. I am not rushing into things. I am trusting God more and I am trying to be obedient to Him and His word. And I am having a great time. It is scary, and to be honest sometimes painful. But I won’t trade it for anything because, for the first time, I am experiencing or perhaps noticing how it feels when someone is taking care of me and looking after me. And that someone is God.
God has always been there for me and for you too. We just ignore Him and sometimes we are so fullish to think that we can do better than the creator of the universe. How ignorant right? But thanks to His Grace and Mercy here we are. And the One that started the work in us will finish it. Seek God and His kingdom, align His will with your desires, and you will fulfill your purpose in this life. Leading you to experience real wealth and real success.
Data: The Impact of Purpose on Success
Studies show a direct correlation between clear personal purpose and perceived success. According to research by the University of California, individuals who align their profession with their personal values and purposes are 42% more likely to report high life satisfaction (University of California, 2019). Additionally, a Gallup poll indicates that businesses driven by purpose-oriented leaders tend to have 30% higher levels of innovation and 40% higher levels of retention (Gallup, 2018).
The Problem: Misaligned Success Metrics
In today’s fast-paced world, many measure success through material gain or social status, often leading to a misalignment between what they pursue and what truly brings them fulfillment. This disconnect can result in dissatisfaction and a lack of true accomplishment despite apparent successes.
The Solution: Realignment and Recognition
To genuinely achieve success, consider these steps:
- Identify Your Purpose: Reflect deeply on what brings you joy and satisfaction beyond material rewards.
- Set Purpose-Aligned Goals: Develop goals that reflect your purpose and set measurable milestones to track your progress.
- Celebrate Purposeful Achievements: Recognize and celebrate each achievement that aligns with your purpose, regardless of its scale.
By realigning our actions with our true purposes, we not only enhance our own sense of success but also contribute more meaningfully to the world around us.
Conclusion: Defining Success on Your Terms
In conclusion, redefining success as the fulfillment of purpose rather than the accumulation of wealth or status allows us to achieve a more profound and satisfying form of success. By understanding and pursuing what genuinely matters to us, we pave the way for a life of true accomplishment and joy.