Beneath the Success: Confronting the Hidden Issues Holding You Back

Beneath the Success: Confronting the Hidden Issues Holding You Back

The skeletons in your closet are not your deepest secrets; they are your unseen battles, your silent struggles, and your untapped potential. Every successful journey hides a deeper story of unseen issues, each with the power to capsize your progress or propel you to greatness. Let’s dive beneath the surface, where the real challenges lie.

Inside: Personal Experience/Story

Have you ever thought that you are almost perfect? I know I have. I struggle a lot thinking that I am better than other people. And because I am very competitive I like the feeling and I like to show others that I am better than them. I don’t like to boast or even brag about it, I just like to know it internally and to show it without speaking about it. Why is that? I have a lot of issues that I have not dealt with yet. An EX-CIA agent said that in order to be successful in life you have to go thru the right amount of trauma. Enough for you to make a decision that encourages you to keep pursuing what you want in life despite all the trials, struggles, and tribulations that we have faced, are facing, and we are going to deal with in the future. But not too much that will destroy your life and set you on a path of destruction.

That being said, something I create these movies in my mind that are not real. But I made them to motivate me to prove something to other people. Healthy, I don’t think so but that is one of the many issues that I deal with constantly. I recently learned thanks to a therapist that I suffer from chronic stress. And to me, that was crazy talking. I know that the life of an entrepreneur is not easy but having a label like that put on me I did not like it. After he explained what chronic stress means and the symptoms of it, I was like holy cow, I do in fact suffer from chronic stress.

Why is that? this is the real question that we need to ask ourselves and or a professional who can help us go deeper into the past and discover what happened in our lives that made us believe and behave this way. We are like an onion. If we look at an onion it doesn’t seem much. But you know that if you start peeling it you probably will start crying. And like an onion we have multiple layers and every layer that you peel will make you cry even more. But, after all those layers are peeled and you get all those pieces and combine them with the right condiments, you can make a beautiful and flavorful meal. I am not a chef so I don’t know why I am using an onion here to demonstrate my point but it is what comes to my mind right now 😅.

Some time ago I learned a very simple but powerful strategy that can help at least discover some of our issues. This strategy can bring clarity to the real reason why we do things and why we want the things that we say we want. I called the strategy the power of the 5 whys. It is very simple. Every time that you want something or you want to discover something bout yourself ask 5 whys. For example: Let’s say that I want a new house; so I can ask, why do I want a new house? My answer will be; that I don’t want to rent anymore and I want my family and me to have a place on our own. Then, I will ask another why to the answer to the first why. Why do I want a place on my own instead of renting? I want to feel the satisfaction that after failing so many times in business and in life, I was able to still provide a house for my family that it is ours, and that we can call it home.

You see, if you do this exercise and you do it right, you will find the reason why we do the things we do and why we behave the way we behave. I know it is scary, and trust me I don’t like it at all. To me, it is very hard to comprehend that I am almost 40 years old and still discovering new issues and new traumas that I need to deal with. But the truth is that if we don’t address those issues we won’t be able to move forward in life. As painful as it may be, it is a good thing to take the opportunity to address what is holding us back. You and your loved ones will be grateful and thankful that you took the time to deal with it. Trust me. You don’t have to be scared. Look at me, if it wasn’t for all my issues, financial, and business struggles I wouldn’t be writing this blog and trying to help people avoid some of the mistakes that I made. You may too find purpose in your struggles. So go for it because you never will know what is on the other side until you move forward and take a chance.


It’s not just personal anecdotes; the data reflects a startling reality. A study by the American Institute of Stress found that 62% of individuals regularly experience work-related stress. Furthermore, the Global Organization for Stress reports that stress levels in entrepreneurs are significantly higher than those of employees. These statistics reveal the hidden issues that many professionals face.

The Problem and The Solution:

The problem is the ‘Iceberg Effect’—we only see the tip of success, ignoring the massive challenges lurking beneath. The solution is threefold: awareness, acceptance, and action. Building a culture of openness around mental health, implementing stress management techniques, and seeking professional guidance are not just recommended but essential.


In summary, recognizing the submerged challenges is the first step toward achieving holistic success. By acknowledging the hidden issues, adopting effective solutions, and harnessing the energy within, we pave the way for genuine, sustainable progress. This blog is more than just a read; it’s a clarion call to delve deep, to confront the unseen, and to emerge victorious, not just in business but in every aspect of life. Remember, the part of the iceberg that’s beneath the surface may be out of sight, but it should never be out of mind.

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