We Are God's Bank: Understanding Banking Principles

We Are God’s Bank: Understanding Banking Principles


“Become aware: Your financial habits are not just transactions, they are testimonies. In understanding banks, we uncover our role as stewards of God’s wealth.” This provocative thought challenges us to rethink our relationship with money and banks, proposing that we are not merely consumers or account holders but active participants in a divine trust.

Personal Experience: A Story of Financial Revelation

I don’t know about you but it was not too long ago when I understood a little better how the financial blessing that comes from God works. To me, every pay increase, every promotion, and every business expansion that generated more money, I thought that God was blessing me so I could have more stuff. A bigger house, a newer car, expensive clothes, and more vacations. Again, I am not saying that there is something wrong with having all these things. But I never took the time to ask God; what do you want me to do with these extra resources? This is a very difficult question to ask because in many cases we are afraid of the answer.

You see, is a lot easier just to be grateful and thank God for the financial blessings and go and spend the money in any way we want instead of asking Him what to do with it. Because if we are as obedient as we say we are and God tells us for example that we need to give that money away to help someone or to help a cause, we will think twice at least. If you are like me, sometimes you would be willing to disobey God and spend that money on what you want despite that you heard and understood God’s instructions.

As the saying says; it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And this is a big mistake. The Bible says in Luke 16:10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Many times we ask God for more and bigger blessings. But how could God bless us more when we have shown Him that we cannot manage those financial blessings properly? God our Father wants to bless us in every way. But He will not give us something that we are not ready for and that we cannot handle properly.

We are the hand in feet of God. So He works through us. Every time that there is a need in this world, He is looking for a faithful man or woman that He can bless so he or she can fulfill that need. For example; recently there was heavy rain for several days in Houston Texas. This caused flooding, and major disaster throughout the area. People lost their homes, their cars, and their personal properties. Many lost all their possessions and in a few hours became homeless. On top of that, many families didn’t know where their next meal was going to come from.

But there was Mr. Joe to the rescue. A local business owner who owns a big furniture store with several locations. Mr. Joe rented trucks so he could send employees and volunteers to pick up those families and bring them to his furniture stores. There, he provided shelter, clothes, basic needs, and 3 meals a day for every person that was there. And of course, he did this from the goodness of his heart and not expecting to make any money out of it. He just wanted to help people in need. You see, he was willing to shut down his business for as long as it needed to be shut down as long as he was doing what God put in his heart to do.

He was God’s bank. He has shown God for years that he can be trusted with plenty of resources. Every year during the Christmas season Mr. Joe gives away free furniture to families in need. So for years, God has seen Mr. Joe’s character. And God knew that He could keep blessings on Mr. Joe because he was going to do the right things in a moment like this. God kept making financial deposits into Mr. Joe’s bank. Blessing him financially every year more and more.

Why? Because Mr. Joe shows faithfulness in the little things every year helping others with free furniture. And God knew that if He blessed Mr. Joe with more finances, those finances would be safely guarded, invested, and multiplied so when the time came that God needed to ask Mr. Joe for a withdrawal so He could use that money to help others, Mr. Joe would say yes. And there will be plenty of resources to help as many people as possible.

If I ask you; do you want to have more money? Your answer will be yes. At least if you are really honest with yourself. Next questions; How have you managed the resources that God already blessed you with? Probably not well if you are anything like me. The good news is that God our Father keeps believing in us and He will like to use us no matter what. So there is always an opportunity to learn. Fix our behaviors and let God show us how to be better stewards. God is always available and willing to teach and guide us. We are the ones who are too busy all the time and don’t want to stop, listen, and obey what He is trying to teach us.

God wants to use all of us to be channels and vessels of blessings for and to others. But we have to be obedient. We have to understand that everything comes from God and it should go back to Him. How does it go back to Him? By honoring Him and using the resources that He has blessed us with in a way that honors Him, His word (The Bible), and His instructions. These simple steps will mean the world to God, trust me. Every time that you receive financial blessings; Pray, return the Thithes to Him, offer a financial Offering, Read His Word, Meditate On it, Listen, and Obey.

Easier said than done but these steps will help you develop the character that you need to have in order for God to bless you even more and become one of God’s favorite banks where He can make constant deposits. Knowing that you will steward those resources properly. By making wise investments and by saving. So when the time comes for God to ask for a withdrawal so He can use those resources to help others or a cause, there will be plenty.

Data: The Mechanics of Banking and Stewardship

Understanding how banks operate is essential for effective financial stewardship. Banks utilize deposits to make loans, generating interest from these loans as a primary revenue source. This cycle of depositing, lending, and earning interest mirrors the stewardship concept where resources are managed to yield growth. A study by the Federal Reserve indicates that banks hold about 10% of their deposits in reserve, illustrating the principle of prudence and reserve in both financial and spiritual contexts (Federal Reserve, 2019).

The Problem: Misalignment of Financial Practices

The main issue arises when individuals mismanage their finances or fail to see their role as stewards. This misalignment can lead to irresponsible spending, poor investment choices, and a lack of savings, which contradict the principles of good stewardship.

The Solution: Aligning Financial Habits with Stewardship

To realign our financial habits with the principles of stewardship:

  1. Budget Wisely: Create and adhere to a budget that reflects your values and priorities, ensuring that your spending supports your overall life goals.
  2. Save and Invest Prudently: Build savings and choose investments that not only grow your wealth but also contribute positively to society.
  3. Educate Yourself: Continuously seek knowledge on financial management to improve your stewardship skills.

By adopting these practices, we can better fulfill our role as prudent managers of the resources entrusted to us.

Conclusion: Our Role as Divine Stewards

In conclusion, understanding how banks work offers more than just financial literacy; it enlightens our role as stewards of God’s wealth. By aligning our financial practices with this perspective, we not only manage our finances more wisely but also fulfill a higher purpose.

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