When Blessings Await: Are You Ready to Receive?
“Sometimes, the blessings we pray for are already at our doorstep, but are we truly prepared to open the door?” This provocative question challenges us to reflect on our own readiness to accept the abundance that God, may have in store for us.
Personal Experience: A Story of Unseen Readiness
Have you ever wanted something so bad that all you do is think and pray about it all the time? I know I have. Heck, if I am honest, most of the time that I spend praying, I spend it asking God for stuff instead of thanking Him for everything that He has already done. Instead of having a conversation and listening to what He has to say, I go to Him with a to-do list of all the things that I want Him to do for me. How dare me? Not that there is nothing wrong with asking God our Father the things that we want, but I think that we are missing an important step when we ask or seek blessings.
One important step that I think most of us are missing is asking ourselves; am I ready to receive and to handle the blessing that I am praying for? I don’t know about you but I have prayed for a lot of stuff and like a little kid who doesn’t get what he wants when he wants it I throw a tantrum if my prayers are not answered and I don’t receive the blessings that I am expecting to receive. But on very few occasions I have taken the time to ask God, why am I not receiving these blessings? Why are my prayers not being answered in these areas?
And I wish I could tell you that those very few times that I asked God these questions He immediately answered and revealed to me why He was holding up those blessings but the truth is that more often than not He remained silent. Or sometimes He speaks and I just don’t like what He said. Other times He speaks and I am too busy talking and asking for stuff that I can’t listen to. And in a wired way that motivates me to keep digging deeper and to keep pursuing Him through reading His word and praying. And at the end of the day, that is what our Father wants. Having a closer relationship with us.
I am a very persistent person. And when I want something bad enough I will get it one way or another. Nothing or no one can or will stop me if I decide to achieve something. That is one of the amazing qualities that God has blessed me with, but unfortunately, when gifts and talents are missed use they will bite you in the but. The same gifts and talents that God has blessed you with so you can fulfill your purpose in this life and fulfill your calling, can take you as far away from them as you can imagine.
I believe in my core that God created me to be a business owner. There is zero doubt in my mind about that. And trust me, I am almost 40 years old and I have been doing business since I was a teenager, but I have so much more to learn. Is not like I know it all. But I do know that is easy for me to learn something new when it comes to business. That being said, I keep repeating my mistakes over and over despite the fact that I know what am I doing wrong, and what I need to do in order to fix the problem and stop making the same mistakes.
I will have to write a book so I can share with you all the examples of my life that will illustrate what I just told you. But I will share with you one of the most recent ones so you can see the picture and understand it better. I had a used car dealership. And I concentrated more on the wholesale part of that business. That was a business model that I liked, it was easy and it fit my lifestyle. I invested a lot of money into the business trying to prove this concept and trying to make it work. I prayed to God so He could bless me and this business because at the time I was driving a truck and spending a lot of time away from my family.
Guess what? It took some time but God did it. He blessed the business and we started seeing some money and some success coming my way. I was making enough in the business for me to step down the trucks and come home every day but I was not making enough to have the lifestyle that I wanted. So instead of asking God, why is it that I don’t have more? What else do I know to learn? What areas or things in my life do I need to deal with or heal, so you can bless me more? Even better, why I didn’t thank Him for what He already blessed me with? Because it was certainly more than enough. Or at least I could ask God to show me the hidden things that are in my heart and in my mind that don’t please Him and help me remove them so I can be more like Jesus.
No, I decided to do it my way because I couldn’t wait and I thought that my way was better. Because in my eyes God was taking too long to answer my prayers. I thought that my time was now and it was better than waiting for God’s timing. So within six months, I borrowed close to $750,000. I accrued debt that I should not have acquired. I bought cars I shouldn’t have bought, and made financial and personal decisions that I shouldn’t have made. Within another six months, the business was crippled and destined to fail. You see, I was not ready for those types of Blessings yet. There were and perhaps are things that I need to learn and deal with that I have not addressed yet. While I was doing the business God’s way and His timing and rhythm everything was fine. It was slowly but surely. I was taking slow but solid steps. And I had everything that I needed at the time. But I wanted more.
I had more than enough to do what was important and spend more time with my family. But when I decided to take control of the business and remove God from the picture and do it my way is when I screw things up. I let my ambitions and my greed take control of the situation. I didn’t have the discipline to slow down and to pray and ask God for wisdom. I didn’t show a grateful and thankful heart. I affected dramatically not only me but also my family and those around me. All these mistakes were the beginning that led me to my second bankruptcy within 5 years. If you don’t have what you want yet, perhaps you are not ready for it yet. Acquire the character, skills, knowledge, and mindset that you need. Get closer to God and ask Him for His wisdom and He will be kind enough to give it to you. He will prepare you to receive those blessings at the right time so those blessings won’t crush you. Don’t be afraid to ask, just be mindful of what to ask.
Data: Understanding Readiness and Opportunity
Research indicates that psychological readiness is a crucial factor in taking advantage of opportunities that life presents. According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, individuals who engage in regular self-reflection and development are more likely to recognize and seize opportunities when they arise (University of Pennsylvania, 2019). Moreover, data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) suggests that preparedness directly influences the success rates of new business ventures, with prepared entrepreneurs 30% more likely to succeed than their unprepared counterparts (GEM, 2020).
The Problem: The Illusion of Unpreparedness
Many individuals and entrepreneurs often feel unready to embrace their blessings due to self-doubt, lack of resources, or fear of failure. This perceived unpreparedness can prevent them from stepping forward to claim the opportunities that are rightfully theirs.
The Solution: Cultivating Readiness for Blessings
Here are actionable steps to prepare oneself to receive and recognize blessings:
- Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your goals and readiness to identify what is holding you back.
- Skill Development: Continuously improve your skills and knowledge to match the demands of your aspirations.
- Mindset Shift: Foster a mindset of abundance and readiness, believing you are deserving of success and blessings.
By implementing these strategies, individuals can transform their perceived unpreparedness into proactive readiness, enabling them to embrace the opportunities that come their way fully.
Conclusion: Embracing Preparedness for Life’s Blessings
In conclusion, being ready to receive blessings is as crucial as the blessings themselves. By fostering self-awareness, enhancing our capabilities, and shifting our mindset, we can open ourselves to the abundance that awaits us. Are you ready to open the door to your blessings?